Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

Tej Poudel — Founder & CEO.

Dear Future Innovators, 

            Embarking on the journey to master technology and programming isn’t akin to conquering rocket science. Rather, it’s about dedicating your time and exerting genuine effort. The digital age has shrunk the globe, making it an expanse ripe with opportunities for those skilled in tech to carve out their futures. 

            I speak from personal experience when I say that your academic background does not define your capacity for learning and excelling in technology. Despite majoring in English and Nepali during my university years, my passion for technology led me on a self-taught path to proficiency in programming languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and Java. Committing five hours daily for a year and a half post-university, I transformed my career trajectory from a university graduate to a Senior Manager in Information Security and eventually, the founder of SoftUp. 

This journey from dreaming to achieving underscores a fundamental truth: with determination and the right resources, turning your dreams into reality is within reach. It did not matter that I began with majors far removed from the tech world; what mattered was my resolve to learn and adapt. 

At SoftUp Academy, we are committed to providing you with the industry’s top programming knowledge, empowering you to step confidently into the tech market. Whether you’re a teenager, in your forties, or anywhere in between, know that it’s never too late to learn. Your age is not a barrier but a mere number in the grand scheme of your potential. 

Join us at SoftUp Academy, where we not only believe in the power of dreams but also in the actionable steps to realize them. Let us be part of your journey to tech mastery and a brighter future. 

Dream it. Learn it. Achieve it. 

Meet Our Lead Instructors

Krishna Adhikari

Our lead instructor with expertise in both Node JS and Flutter.

Arjun Acharya

Our talented front-end instructor who specializes in React JS and NEXT.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Softup Academy, you can expect to learn a wide range of IT-related topics and skills tailored to prepare you for the broader career world. Softup Academy aims to provide a comprehensive IT education that equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the IT industry.

Softup Academy serves as a platform to enhance your skills, gain practical experience, build connections, and receive support to advance your career in the IT industry.

Courses at Softup Academy are structured with a blend of theoretical lectures, hands-on exercises, assignments, and assessments to reinforce learning and practical application. Students engage in group projects, receive feedback from instructors, and upon completion, earn certificates validating their skills and knowledge.